Thursday, June 25, 2009

Miyou Jyou/Tatkala bintang masih bersinar...

Totas Matsumoto

The suicide rate for the first half of the year has reached more that 35,000. That's double the yearly figure of 33,000 deaths.
The older people over 90 years old seem to hang on to life but the opposite is happening to the younger people in Japan.
Most of suicide happened to people within the age group of 50s-60s years of age.

This song The Shining Star, debut last month.

I don't have time to go into the fine line. This is my best effort.

Everything that happened in this world has a reason.
We have only one life. The only way to go is up. Look positive.
Whatever we do is not wrong. Whatever we do is not a mistake.
We have to go on with life. We have only one life. Our life is not a mistake.

My cute girl left for America. She went without telling me. Then, this morning I received a line saying she forgot to let me know. How stupid can she be!
I want to be with her. Its a dream. But, I still want to be with her.

I picked a magazine from the train floor, after reading, I cried so much. Still life goes on.
I'm hungry, very hungry. I want to eat but I can't. But life goes on.

Life has to go on. Life is not a mistake. Life is everything.
Look at the shining star. That is our life. Just one star. One shine. One life.


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